Plan for Tourist Sustainability in Destinations

Plan for Tourist Sustainability in Destinations

Promoting Sustainability in Pla de Mallorca

The Plans for Tourist Sustainability in Destinations represent the main commitment of the Spanish tourism administration to responsible and sustainable tourism. Supported by the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (PRTR) and aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), these plans aim to redefine Spanish tourist destinations.

The plan for the Mancomunitat Pla de Mallorca was selected in the extraordinary call of 2021, backed by the EU Next Generation Funds, with a budget of €2,994,037.

The main objective is to transform Pla de Mallorca into a sustainable destination where tourism contributes to balanced rural development, offers new job opportunities, and improves local quality of life.

The PSTD aims to preserve Pla as it is: authentic and traditional. It will promote tourism that showcases the destination naturally and sustainably, maintaining its originality.

The Mancomunitat del Pla de Mallorca is distinguished by preserving the “Mallorcan” identity. Its 14 municipalities share a cultural, landscape, and linguistic identity unique to Mallorca, which provides cohesion to the region. This preserved identity is a strong point for promoting inland tourism, which acts as a driver for employment and the revitalization of the productive economy.

Pla de Mallorca is culture, nature, and agriculture, and the rurality of these territories generates a high level of well-being for visitors.




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